Outstanding Debt Collection Process
1) Invoices older than 90 days will automatically be referred to BFL Solutions Limited for collection.
2) Once referred, all correspondence with regards to the debt will go through BFL Solutions.
3) BFL Solutions Limited will write to the debtor with a formal demand, with ample time for the debtor to contact BFL.
4) Payment of the debt and associated collection fees will need to be paid to BFL.
5) A follow up letter is issued to the debtor 7 days thereafter, advising of a visit in person by a BFL collection agent.
6) BFL collection agent will visit the premises within 3 to 5 weeks following the issue of the formal demand.
7) BFL Solutions Limited offers their members full use of their full litigation service to secure the debt following the above process.
8) Using the litigation service, BFL Solutions Limited will apply for a section N293-A and transfer to a high court writ.
If you wish to know the latest fees charged by BFL Solutions for collection of outstanding debt, please call them: 0808 168 2465
BFL Solutions Limited
Security House,
Howard Centre,
Paper MillEnd,
Great Barr,
B44 8NH